So I’m still working on the website but wanted to get it live as soon as I could. I’ll keep updating each chance I get to get all the services up, cost and info concerning. I wanted to get the base of the site out there and as much info as possible in order to get the general idea of the services I offer. I primarily work with film of all shapes, sizes and types. I specialize in archival processes, Tintypes, silver gelatin prints, negatives and the likes and even offer passport photo’s that take at the most 20 minutes to receive the photos to mount, 30secs. at the least. Please feel free to contact me on anything you might be looking for and I’ll work with you from there.

Services 1. Tintypes
Tintype is an archival type of picture. I do offer this service, but the service is offered by appointment only, as it takes time to get the tins ready for shooting.
I do not currently keep a large amount of supplies on hand to perform this service and due to time restrictions am not able to offer this service to everyone.
I will at a later point offer the service when time allows, to everyone, but for now the service is offered on a case by case basis only. This includes any projects I might be able to make time for.

Services 2. Portraits & Family Events
Family and event portraits are a very special thing to me, but due to time restrictions I am not able to offer this service at this time.
Special cases or projects will be considered.

Services 3. Art Projects
Art project photography is something very dear to my heart, and I love being able to express my own artistic flair. These projects take place when I have extra time. I would consider collaborations when I have time, but with all other photography it is something that I do when my health and time allows it.