Introduciong the .....
Polaroid EVO 900
aka #prototype900
Yes, it is what you think it is!
A completely reimagined look to the conventional Polaroid conversion. The Polaroid “EVO” 900 was not only given a “secondshot” it has been rethought, and looked at from a new perspective. Throughout a year and a half of searching for the ultimate Conversion my search lead to a dead end. Everyone told me it was too difficult to build what I was looking for, and couldn’t be done. I gave up looking and decided it could be done. I give you the fully functioning 4x5 field camera conversion!
Please note that the pictures you see are of my personal version(a few pictures have been updated, Black version) and are often not as quickly updated as I would like. The finished version will be much more refined with all current updates and hope to have those pictures up as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Movement Specs.
Click on picture above to view the Movement Specifacations page for all info concerning it's capabilities, tilt, shift, rise, fall, shift, etc..
Rangefinder & Lens
Here is explained the design and issues concerning all you need to know about rangefinder coupling to your primary lens and multiple lenses as well.

4x5 Back Projects
Here is where, as I find time and resources; updates will be posted and updated on alternative formats adapted to either all universal 4x5 systems or specifically designed to work with the EVO that i'm working on, cooming soon! (I'll also post back projects ,and/or links; from other designers as well for formatswithout LF options such as Fuji's Instax Wide and Impossible's SX-70/600 series films.)
Need a user manual for your Polaroid 545 single sheet back, click the picture above to print or download the PDF.

Pinhole Attachment
A work in progress pinhole attachment for the EVO, more info coming soon!
Keep up with all the progress of the New55 Instant Film Project here by clicking the photo.